Driver Initialization |
TLM initialization is a special phase of operation that happens only when the TLM is first loaded. At time of TLM initialization, the SoftPLC runtime engine calls a TLM at a special entry point. This is the TLM's opportunity to do any system resource setup like allocating memory or reading disk configuration files. After these tasks are performed, the TLM returns control back to the SoftPLC runtime engine by simply returning from the C initialization function. More details are given in the C/C++/Java Programmer's Toolkit for SoftPLC 4.x, and the source code to this TLM.
In this TLM we do not use the initialization capability. The parameters for each instruction are assumed to be in the datatable. The PID Super Save and PID Super Load instructions read and write parameter data to and from disk respectively. So they are a more flexible approach which gives you programmatic control over when the configuration is read in.